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This section is still using Brownie.

The Curve DAO: Governance and Voting

Curve uses Aragon for governance and control of the protocol admin functionality. Interaction with Aragon occurs through a modified implementation of the Aragon Voting App.

Much of the following functionality is possible via the DAO section of the Curve website. The following section outlines DAO interactions via the CLI using the Brownie console.

Deployment addresses can be found in the addresses reference section of the documentation.

Creating a Vote

A single vote can perform multiple actions. The script in the DAO repo is used to create new votes.

  1. Modify the TARGET, ACTIONS and DESCRPTION variables at the beginning of the script. The comments within the script explain how each of these variables work.

  2. Simulate the vote in a forked mainnet:

    >>> brownie run voting/new_vote simulate --network mainnet-fork

    The simulation creates the vote, votes for it until quorum is reached, and then executes. The vote was successful if none of the transactions within the simulation fail. You can optionally include the -I flag to inspect the result of the vote once the simulation completes.

  3. Create the vote:

    1. Modify the SENDER variable to use an account that is permitted to make a vote for the DAO you are targetting.

    2. Create the vote with the following command:

      >>> brownie run voting/new_vote make_vote --network mainnet

    3. The vote should automatically appear within the site UX shortly.

Inspecting Votes

The script in the DAO repo is used to decode a vote in order to see which action(s) it will perform.

To use the script, start by modifying the VOTE_ID and VOTING_ADDRESS variables at the start of the script. Then run the following:

>>> brownie run voting/decode_vote --network mainnet

The script will output a list of transactions to be performed by the vote.


To place a vote via the CLI, first open a Brownie console connected to mainnet. Then use the following commands:
>>> aragon = Contract(VOTING_ADDRESS)
>>>, MY_VOTE, False, {'from': acct})
Transaction sent: 0xa791801ccc57ad4edcfcaff7b5dab1c9101b78cf978a8d7fc185d9194bd3c2fa
Gas price: 20.0 gwei   Gas limit: 156299   Nonce: 23

VOTING_ADDRESS is the address that is being voted with

VOTE_ID is the numeric ID of the vote

MY_VOTE is a boolean

Executing a Vote

To execute a vote via the CLI, first open a Brownie console connected to mainnet. Then use the following commands:
>>> aragon = Contract(VOTING_ADDRESS)
>>> aragon.executeVote({'from': acct})
Transaction sent: 0x85d9194bd3c2fa1801ccc57ad4edcfa7978a8d7fc1caff7b5dab1c9101b78cf9
Gas price: 20.0 gwei   Gas limit: 424912   Nonce: 24

VOTING_ADDRESS is the address that is being voted with