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This contract contains view-only external methods which can be gas-inefficient when called from smart contracts.

Contract Source & Deployment

ViewMethodContract is deployed to the Ethereum mainnet at: 0x064253915b8449fdEFac2c4A74aA9fdF56691a31. Source code for this contract is available on Github.

Exchange Methods


ViewMethodContract.get_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, swap: address) -> uint256:

Getter method for the amount of coin j tokens received for swapping in dx amount of coin i. This function includes the fee.

Returns: dy (uint256).

Input Type Description
i uint256 Index of input token (use pool.coins(i) to get coin address at i-th index)
j uint256 Index of output token
dx uint256 Amount of input coin[i] tokens
swap address Pool contract address
Source code
def get_dy(
    i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, swap: address
) -> uint256:

    dy: uint256 = 0
    xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])

    # dy = (get_y(x + dx) - y) * (1 - fee)
    dy, xp = self._get_dy_nofee(i, j, dx, swap)
    dy -= Curve(swap).fee_calc(xp) * dy / 10**10

    return dy
>>> ViewMethodContract.get_dy(0, 1, 100000000000, "0xf5f5B97624542D72A9E06f04804Bf81baA15e2B4")


ViewMethodContract.get_dx(i: uint256, j: uint256, dy: uint256, swap: address) -> uint256:

Getter method for the amount of coin[i] tokens to input for swapping out dy amount of coin[j]

Returns: dx (uint256).

Input Type Description
i uint256 Index of input token (check pool.coins(i) to get coin address at i-th index)
j uint256 Index of output token
dy uint256 amount of input coin[j] tokens received
swap address Pool contract address


This is an approximate method, and returns estimates close to the input amount. Expensive to call on-chain.

Source code
def get_dx(
    i: uint256, j: uint256, dy: uint256, swap: address
) -> uint256:

    dx: uint256 = 0
    xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    fee_dy: uint256 = 0
    _dy: uint256 = dy

    # for more precise dx (but never exact), increase num loops
    for k in range(5):
        dx, xp = self._get_dx_fee(i, j, _dy, swap)
        fee_dy = Curve(swap).fee_calc(xp) * _dy / 10**10
        _dy = dy + fee_dy + 1

    return dx
>>> ViewMethodContract.get_dx(0, 1, 1000, "0xf5f5B97624542D72A9E06f04804Bf81baA15e2B4")


ViewMethodContract.calc_withdraw_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: uint256, swap: address) -> uint256:

Getter method for the output tokens (including fees) when withdrawing one coin.

Returns: amount of output tokens (uint256).

Input Type Description
token_amount uint256 LP token amount
i uint256 Index of the token to withdraw
swap address Pool contract address
Source code
def calc_withdraw_one_coin(
    token_amount: uint256, i: uint256, swap: address
) -> uint256:

    return self._calc_withdraw_one_coin(token_amount, i, swap)[0]

def _calc_withdraw_one_coin(
    token_amount: uint256,
    i: uint256,
    swap: address
) -> (uint256, uint256):

    token_supply: uint256 = Curve(swap).totalSupply()
    assert token_amount <= token_supply  # dev: token amount more than supply
    assert i < N_COINS  # dev: coin out of range

    math: Math = Curve(swap).MATH()

    xx: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    price_scale: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
    for k in range(N_COINS):
        xx[k] = Curve(swap).balances(k)
        if k > 0:
            price_scale[k - 1] = Curve(swap).price_scale(k - 1)

    precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = Curve(swap).precisions()
    A: uint256 = Curve(swap).A()
    gamma: uint256 = Curve(swap).gamma()
    xp: uint256[N_COINS] = precisions
    D0: uint256 = 0
    p: uint256 = 0

    price_scale_i: uint256 = PRECISION * precisions[0]
    xp[0] *= xx[0]
    for k in range(1, N_COINS):

        p = price_scale[k-1]
        if i == k:
            price_scale_i = p * xp[i]
        xp[k] = xp[k] * xx[k] * p / PRECISION

    if Curve(swap).future_A_gamma_time() > block.timestamp:
        D0 = math.newton_D(A, gamma, xp, 0)
        D0 = Curve(swap).D()

    D: uint256 = D0

    fee: uint256 = self._fee(xp, swap)
    dD: uint256 = token_amount * D / token_supply

    D_fee: uint256 = fee * dD / (2 * 10**10) + 1
    approx_fee: uint256 = N_COINS * D_fee * xx[i] / D

    D -= (dD - D_fee)

    y_out: uint256[2] = math.get_y(A, gamma, xp, D, i)
    dy: uint256 = (xp[i] - y_out[0]) * PRECISION / price_scale_i
    xp[i] = y_out[0]

    return dy, approx_fee
>>> ViewMethodContract.calc_withdraw_one_coin(1000000000000000, 0, "0xf5f5B97624542D72A9E06f04804Bf81baA15e2B4")


ViewMethodContract.calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[N_COINS], deposit: bool, swap: address) -> uint256:

Function to calculate LP tokens minted or to be burned for depositing or removing amounts of coins to or from swap.

Returns: LP token amount to be burned/minted (uint256).

Input Type Description
amounts uint256[N_COINS] LP token amount
deposit bool True = deposit, False = withdraw
swap address Pool contract address
Source code
def calc_token_amount(
    amounts: uint256[N_COINS], deposit: bool, swap: address
) -> uint256:

    d_token: uint256 = 0
    amountsp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])

    d_token, amountsp, xp = self._calc_dtoken_nofee(amounts, deposit, swap)
    d_token -= (
        Curve(swap).calc_token_fee(amountsp, xp) * d_token / 10**10 + 1

    return d_token

def _calc_dtoken_nofee(
    amounts: uint256[N_COINS], deposit: bool, swap: address
) -> (uint256, uint256[N_COINS], uint256[N_COINS]):

    math: Math = Curve(swap).MATH()

    xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    price_scale: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
    D0: uint256 = 0
    token_supply: uint256 = 0
    A: uint256 = 0
    gamma: uint256 = 0

    xp, D0, token_supply, price_scale, A, gamma, precisions = self._prep_calc(swap)

    amountsp: uint256[N_COINS] = amounts
    if deposit:
        for k in range(N_COINS):
            xp[k] += amounts[k]
        for k in range(N_COINS):
            xp[k] -= amounts[k]

    xp[0] *= precisions[0]
    amountsp[0] *= precisions[0]
    for k in range(N_COINS - 1):
        p: uint256 = price_scale[k] * precisions[k + 1]
        xp[k + 1] = xp[k + 1] * p / PRECISION
        amountsp[k + 1] = amountsp[k + 1] * p / PRECISION

    D: uint256 = math.newton_D(A, gamma, xp, 0)
    d_token: uint256 = token_supply * D / D0

    if deposit:
        d_token -= token_supply
        d_token = token_supply - d_token

    return d_token, amountsp, xp
>>> ViewMethodContract.calc_token_amount([1,1,1], 0, "0xf5f5B97624542D72A9E06f04804Bf81baA15e2B4")

Calculating Fees Methods

Methods to calculate fees for get_dy, withdraw_one_coin and calc_token_amount.


ViewMethodContract.calc_fee_get_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, swap: address) -> uint256:

Function to calculate the fees for get_dy.

Returns: fee (uint256).

Input Type Description
i uint256 Index of input token (check pool.coins(i) to get coin address at i-th index)
j uint256 Index of output token
dx uint256 Amount of input coin[i] tokens
swap address Pool contract address
Source code
def calc_fee_get_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, swap: address
) -> uint256:

    dy: uint256 = 0
    xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    dy, xp = self._get_dy_nofee(i, j, dx, swap)

    return Curve(swap).fee_calc(xp) * dy / 10**10

def _get_dy_nofee(
    i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, swap: address
) -> (uint256, uint256[N_COINS]):

    assert i != j and i < N_COINS and j < N_COINS, "coin index out of range"
    assert dx > 0, "do not exchange 0 coins"

    math: Math = Curve(swap).MATH()

    xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    price_scale: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
    D: uint256 = 0
    token_supply: uint256 = 0
    A: uint256 = 0
    gamma: uint256 = 0

    xp, D, token_supply, price_scale, A, gamma, precisions = self._prep_calc(swap)

    # adjust xp with input dx
    xp[i] += dx
    xp[0] *= precisions[0]
    for k in range(N_COINS - 1):
        xp[k + 1] = xp[k + 1] * price_scale[k] * precisions[k + 1] / PRECISION

    y_out: uint256[2] = math.get_y(A, gamma, xp, D, j)
    dy: uint256 = xp[j] - y_out[0] - 1
    xp[j] = y_out[0]
    if j > 0:
        dy = dy * PRECISION / price_scale[j - 1]
    dy /= precisions[j]

    return dy, xp
>>> ViewMethodContract.calc_fee_get_dy(0, 1, 100000000, "0xf5f5B97624542D72A9E06f04804Bf81baA15e2B4")


ViewMethodContract.calc_fee_withdraw_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: uint256, swap: address) -> uint256:

Function to calculate the fees for withdraw_one_coin.

Returns: fee (uint256).

Input Type Description
token_amount uint256 LP token amount
i uint256 Index of the token to withdraw
swap address Pool contract address
Source code
def calc_fee_withdraw_one_coin(
    token_amount: uint256, i: uint256, swap: address
) -> uint256:

    return self._calc_withdraw_one_coin(token_amount, i, swap)[1]

def _calc_withdraw_one_coin(
    token_amount: uint256,
    i: uint256,
    swap: address
) -> (uint256, uint256):

    token_supply: uint256 = Curve(swap).totalSupply()
    assert token_amount <= token_supply  # dev: token amount more than supply
    assert i < N_COINS  # dev: coin out of range

    math: Math = Curve(swap).MATH()

    xx: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    price_scale: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
    for k in range(N_COINS):
        xx[k] = Curve(swap).balances(k)
        if k > 0:
            price_scale[k - 1] = Curve(swap).price_scale(k - 1)

    precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = Curve(swap).precisions()
    A: uint256 = Curve(swap).A()
    gamma: uint256 = Curve(swap).gamma()
    xp: uint256[N_COINS] = precisions
    D0: uint256 = 0
    p: uint256 = 0

    price_scale_i: uint256 = PRECISION * precisions[0]
    xp[0] *= xx[0]
    for k in range(1, N_COINS):

        p = price_scale[k-1]
        if i == k:
            price_scale_i = p * xp[i]
        xp[k] = xp[k] * xx[k] * p / PRECISION

    if Curve(swap).future_A_gamma_time() > block.timestamp:
        D0 = math.newton_D(A, gamma, xp, 0)
        D0 = Curve(swap).D()

    D: uint256 = D0

    fee: uint256 = self._fee(xp, swap)
    dD: uint256 = token_amount * D / token_supply

    D_fee: uint256 = fee * dD / (2 * 10**10) + 1
    approx_fee: uint256 = N_COINS * D_fee * xx[i] / D

    D -= (dD - D_fee)

    y_out: uint256[2] = math.get_y(A, gamma, xp, D, i)
    dy: uint256 = (xp[i] - y_out[0]) * PRECISION / price_scale_i
    xp[i] = y_out[0]

    return dy, approx_fee
>>> ViewMethodContract.calc_fee_withdraw_one_coin(10000000000, 2, "0xf5f5B97624542D72A9E06f04804Bf81baA15e2B4")


ViewMethodContract.calc_fee_token_amount(amounts: uint256[N_COINS], deposit: bool, swap: address) -> uint256:

Function to calculate the fees for calc_token_amount.

Returns: fee (uint256).

Input Type Description
amounts uint256[N_COINS] LP token amount
deposit bool True = deposit, False = withdraw
swap address Pool contract address
Source code
def calc_fee_token_amount(
    amounts: uint256[N_COINS], deposit: bool, swap: address
) -> uint256:

    d_token: uint256 = 0
    amountsp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    d_token, amountsp, xp = self._calc_dtoken_nofee(amounts, deposit, swap)

    return Curve(swap).calc_token_fee(amountsp, xp) * d_token / 10**10 + 1

def _calc_dtoken_nofee(
    amounts: uint256[N_COINS], deposit: bool, swap: address
) -> (uint256, uint256[N_COINS], uint256[N_COINS]):

    math: Math = Curve(swap).MATH()

    xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
    price_scale: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
    D0: uint256 = 0
    token_supply: uint256 = 0
    A: uint256 = 0
    gamma: uint256 = 0

    xp, D0, token_supply, price_scale, A, gamma, precisions = self._prep_calc(swap)

    amountsp: uint256[N_COINS] = amounts
    if deposit:
        for k in range(N_COINS):
            xp[k] += amounts[k]
        for k in range(N_COINS):
            xp[k] -= amounts[k]

    xp[0] *= precisions[0]
    amountsp[0] *= precisions[0]
    for k in range(N_COINS - 1):
        p: uint256 = price_scale[k] * precisions[k + 1]
        xp[k + 1] = xp[k + 1] * p / PRECISION
        amountsp[k + 1] = amountsp[k + 1] * p / PRECISION

    D: uint256 = math.newton_D(A, gamma, xp, 0)
    d_token: uint256 = token_supply * D / D0

    if deposit:
        d_token -= token_supply
        d_token = token_supply - d_token

    return d_token, amountsp, xp
>>> ViewMethodContract.calc_fee_token_amount([1,1,1], 0, "0xf5f5B97624542D72A9E06f04804Bf81baA15e2B4")