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Admin Controls

Pool Ownership

Pools created through the Factory are "owned" by the factory admin (DAO). Ownership can only be changed within the factory contract via commit_transfer_ownership and accept_transfer_ownership.

Amplification Coefficient / Gamma Admin Controls

More informations about the parameters here.

The appropriate value for A and gamma is dependent upon the type of coin being used within the pool, and is subject to optimisation and pool-parameter update based on the market history of the trading pair. It is possible to modify the parameters for a pool after it has been deployed. However, it requires a vote within the Curve DAO and must reach a 15% quorum.


CryptoSwap.ramp_A_gamma(future_A: uint256, future_gamma: uint256, future_time: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the Factory contract.

Function to ramp A and gamma parameter values linearly. A and gamma are packed within the same variable.

Emits: RampAgamma

Input Type Description
future_A uint256 future A value
future_gamma uint256 future gamma value
future_time uint256 timestamp at which the ramping will end
Source code
event RampAgamma:
    initial_A: uint256
    future_A: uint256
    initial_gamma: uint256
    future_gamma: uint256
    initial_time: uint256
    future_time: uint256

def ramp_A_gamma(
    future_A: uint256, future_gamma: uint256, future_time: uint256
    @notice Initialise Ramping A and gamma parameter values linearly.
    @dev Only accessible by factory admin, and only
    @param future_A The future A value.
    @param future_gamma The future gamma value.
    @param future_time The timestamp at which the ramping will end.
    assert msg.sender == factory.admin()  # dev: only owner
    assert block.timestamp > self.initial_A_gamma_time + (MIN_RAMP_TIME - 1)  # dev: ramp undergoing
    assert future_time > block.timestamp + MIN_RAMP_TIME - 1  # dev: insufficient time

    A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma()
    initial_A_gamma: uint256 = A_gamma[0] << 128
    initial_A_gamma = initial_A_gamma | A_gamma[1]

    assert future_A > MIN_A - 1
    assert future_A < MAX_A + 1
    assert future_gamma > MIN_GAMMA - 1
    assert future_gamma < MAX_GAMMA + 1

    ratio: uint256 = 10**18 * future_A / A_gamma[0]
    assert ratio < 10**18 * MAX_A_CHANGE + 1
    assert ratio > 10**18 / MAX_A_CHANGE - 1

    ratio = 10**18 * future_gamma / A_gamma[1]
    assert ratio < 10**18 * MAX_A_CHANGE + 1
    assert ratio > 10**18 / MAX_A_CHANGE - 1

    self.initial_A_gamma = initial_A_gamma
    self.initial_A_gamma_time = block.timestamp

    future_A_gamma: uint256 = future_A << 128
    future_A_gamma = future_A_gamma | future_gamma
    self.future_A_gamma_time = future_time
    self.future_A_gamma = future_A_gamma

    log RampAgamma(
>>> CryptoSwap.ramp_A_gamma(2700000, 1300000000000, 1693674492)



Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the Factory contract.

Function to immediately stop ramping A and gamma parameters and set them to the current value.

Emits: StopRampA

Source code
event StopRampA:
    current_A: uint256
    current_gamma: uint256
    time: uint256

def stop_ramp_A_gamma():
    @notice Stop Ramping A and gamma parameters immediately.
    @dev Only accessible by factory admin.
    assert msg.sender == factory.admin()  # dev: only owner

    A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma()
    current_A_gamma: uint256 = A_gamma[0] << 128
    current_A_gamma = current_A_gamma | A_gamma[1]
    self.initial_A_gamma = current_A_gamma
    self.future_A_gamma = current_A_gamma
    self.initial_A_gamma_time = block.timestamp
    self.future_A_gamma_time = block.timestamp

    # ------ Now (block.timestamp < t1) is always False, so we return saved A.

    log StopRampA(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], block.timestamp)
>>> CryptoSwap.stop_ramp_A_gamma()



CryptoSwap.commit_new_parameters(_new_mid_fee: uint256, _new_out_fee: uint256, _new_fee_gamma: uint256, _new_allowed_extra_profit: uint256, _new_adjustment_step: uint256, _new_ma_time: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the Factory contract.

Function to commit new parameters. The new parameters do not take immedaite effect.

Emits: CommitNewParameters

Input Type Description
_new_mid_fee uint256 new mid_fee value
_new_out_fee uint256 new out_fee value
_new_fee_gamma uint256 new fee_gamma value
_new_allowed_extra_profit uint256 new allowed_extra_profit value
_new_adjustment_step uint256 new adjustment_step value
_new_ma_time uint256 new ma_time value
Source code
event CommitNewParameters:
    deadline: indexed(uint256)
    mid_fee: uint256
    out_fee: uint256
    fee_gamma: uint256
    allowed_extra_profit: uint256
    adjustment_step: uint256
    ma_time: uint256

future_packed_rebalancing_params: uint256
future_packed_fee_params: uint256

ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY: constant(uint256) = 3 * 86400

def commit_new_parameters(
    _new_mid_fee: uint256,
    _new_out_fee: uint256,
    _new_fee_gamma: uint256,
    _new_allowed_extra_profit: uint256,
    _new_adjustment_step: uint256,
    _new_ma_time: uint256,
    @notice Commit new parameters.
    @dev Only accessible by factory admin.
    @param _new_mid_fee The new mid fee.
    @param _new_out_fee The new out fee.
    @param _new_fee_gamma The new fee gamma.
    @param _new_allowed_extra_profit The new allowed extra profit.
    @param _new_adjustment_step The new adjustment step.
    @param _new_ma_time The new ma time. ma_time is time_in_seconds/ln(2).
    assert msg.sender == Factory(self.factory).admin()  # dev: only owner
    assert self.admin_actions_deadline == 0  # dev: active action

    _deadline: uint256 = block.timestamp + ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY
    self.admin_actions_deadline = _deadline

    # ----------------------------- Set fee params ---------------------------

    new_mid_fee: uint256 = _new_mid_fee
    new_out_fee: uint256 = _new_out_fee
    new_fee_gamma: uint256 = _new_fee_gamma

    current_fee_params: uint256[3] = self._unpack(self.packed_fee_params)

    if new_out_fee < MAX_FEE + 1:
        assert new_out_fee > MIN_FEE - 1  # dev: fee is out of range
        new_out_fee = current_fee_params[1]

    if new_mid_fee > MAX_FEE:
        new_mid_fee = current_fee_params[0]
    assert new_mid_fee <= new_out_fee  # dev: mid-fee is too high

    if new_fee_gamma < 10**18:
        assert new_fee_gamma > 0  # dev: fee_gamma out of range [1 .. 10**18]
        new_fee_gamma = current_fee_params[2]

    self.future_packed_fee_params = self._pack(
        [new_mid_fee, new_out_fee, new_fee_gamma]

    # ----------------- Set liquidity rebalancing parameters -----------------

    new_allowed_extra_profit: uint256 = _new_allowed_extra_profit
    new_adjustment_step: uint256 = _new_adjustment_step
    new_ma_time: uint256 = _new_ma_time

    current_rebalancing_params: uint256[3] = self._unpack(self.packed_rebalancing_params)

    if new_allowed_extra_profit > 10**18:
        new_allowed_extra_profit = current_rebalancing_params[0]

    if new_adjustment_step > 10**18:
        new_adjustment_step = current_rebalancing_params[1]

    if new_ma_time < 872542:  # <----- Calculated as: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / ln(2)
        assert new_ma_time > 86  # dev: MA time should be longer than 60/ln(2)
        new_ma_time = current_rebalancing_params[2]

    self.future_packed_rebalancing_params = self._pack(
        [new_allowed_extra_profit, new_adjustment_step, new_ma_time]

    # ---------------------------------- LOG ---------------------------------

    log CommitNewParameters(
>>> CryptoSwap.commit_new_parameters(20000000, 45000000, 350000000000000, 100000000000, 100000000000, 1800)



Function to apply the parameters from commit_new_parameters.

Emits: NewParameters

Source code
event NewParameters:
    mid_fee: uint256
    out_fee: uint256
    fee_gamma: uint256
    allowed_extra_profit: uint256
    adjustment_step: uint256
    ma_time: uint256

packed_rebalancing_params: public(uint256)  # <---------- Contains rebalancing
#               parameters allowed_extra_profit, adjustment_step, and ma_time.
future_packed_rebalancing_params: uint256

packed_fee_params: public(uint256)  # <---- Packs mid_fee, out_fee, fee_gamma.
future_packed_fee_params: uint256

def apply_new_parameters():
    @notice Apply committed parameters.
    @dev Only callable after admin_actions_deadline.
    assert block.timestamp >= self.admin_actions_deadline  # dev: insufficient time
    assert self.admin_actions_deadline != 0  # dev: no active action

    self.admin_actions_deadline = 0

    packed_fee_params: uint256 = self.future_packed_fee_params
    self.packed_fee_params = packed_fee_params

    packed_rebalancing_params: uint256 = self.future_packed_rebalancing_params
    self.packed_rebalancing_params = packed_rebalancing_params

    rebalancing_params: uint256[3] = self._unpack(packed_rebalancing_params)
    fee_params: uint256[3] = self._unpack(packed_fee_params)

    log NewParameters(
>>> CryptoSwap.apply_new_parameters()


CryptoSwap.revert_new_parameters() -> address: view

Function to revert the parameters changes.


This function is only callable by the admin of the factory contract.

Source code
def revert_new_parameters():
    @notice Revert committed parameters
    @dev Only accessible by factory admin. Setting admin_actions_deadline to 0
        ensures a revert in apply_new_parameters.
    assert msg.sender == Factory(self.factory).admin()  # dev: only owner
    self.admin_actions_deadline = 0
>>> CryptoSwap.revert_new_parameters()

Info Methods


CryptoSwap.admin_actions_deadline() -> uint256: view

Getter for the admin actions deadline. This is the deadline until which new parameter changes can be applied. When committing new changes, there is a three-day timespan to apply them (ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY), otherwise the call will revert.

Returns: timestamp (uint256).

Source code
admin_actions_deadline: public(uint256)

ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY: constant(uint256) = 3 * 86400
>>> CryptoSwap.admin_actions_deadline()


CryptoSwap.initial_A_gamma() -> uint256: view

Getter for the initial A/gamma.

Returns: A/gamma (uint256).

Source code
initial_A_gamma: public(uint256)
>>> CryptoSwap.initial_A_gamma()


CryptoSwap.initial_A_gamma_time() -> uint256: view

Getter for the initial A/gamma time.

Returns: A/gamma time (uint256).

Source code
initial_A_gamma_time: public(uint256)
>>> CryptoSwap.initial_A_gamma_time()


CryptoSwap.future_A_gamma() -> uint256: view

Getter for the future A/gamma.

Returns: future A/gamma (uint256).

Source code
future_A_gamma: public(uint256)
>>> CryptoSwap.future_A_gamma()


CryptoSwap.future_A_gamma_time() -> uint256: view

Getter for the future A/gamma time.

Returns: future A/gamma time (uint256).

Source code
future_A_gamma_time: public(uint256)
>>> CryptoSwap.future_A_gamma_time()